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The Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Academy

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11. Yu Gong and Sifu Phil engage in a bit of "talking hands". 16. Sifu Phil demonstrating some kum la (chin na) with Daniel during the Chinese new year parade - March 2002.
12. Eric and Zack working some two-person drills. 17. More joint-locking antics...
13. A group photo taken after a grappling seminar with Sensei Greg - Feb 2002. 18. Sifu Phil and members of the children's program demonstrate a few Choy Lay Fut techniques during the parade.
14.Sifu Phil and his good friend Sensei Greg ham it up for the camera. 19. Group photo taken at the school before the parade.
15. Left to Right - Sensei Greg, Sifu Sam, and Sifu Phil. 20. Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association march in the Chinese new year parade - March 2002.
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