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The Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Academy

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51. Sifu Sam delivers a pow chue to Sifu Phil's chin. Picture taken from a recently published article on the Choy Lay Fut ten elements by Sifu Sam Ng and Sifu Phil Ng. 56. During the interview...
52.Sifu Sam delivers a kup chue to Sifu Phil's neck. Picture taken from a recently published article on the Choy Lay Fut ten elements by Sifu Sam Ng and Sifu Phil Ng. 57. Sifu Lily Lau introduces and interviews Sifu Sam Ng for the program.
53. Sifu Sam and Sifu Phil posing for the camera. Picture taken from a recently published article on the Choy Lay Fut ten elements by Sifu Sam Ng and Sifu Phil Ng.    
54. A local television program chose to introduce the Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association to the public. April 2002    
55. During the interview...    
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